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The validate function is a CPI call that will return an error if the information provided isn't valid.

The validate referrer function validates that the referrer that you send (either the treasury or the token account if a mint is present), is the referrer (within your organization) of the wallet of the user that is currently using your website.

There the steps are the following

  1. You send the proper remaining accounts using our Buddy SDK
  2. Within your instruction you CPI call buddy link to validate the accounts passed
  3. If there is an error from the CPI, error back to the caller because the accounts passed for the referral program are invalid.
  4. If there is a success, then you save the referrer's information on the Account of the user, so when a transfer is required, you can validate against if the destination for the reward is the correct one.
  5. **** This step is optional, as you will see below, there's a notion of referrer_member which is the member of the referrer organization. This is useful if you want to use our on-chain analytics system. If you don't want to use it, then you don't have to save it on your side.



Instruction (Anchor)

pub struct UserAccount
pub referrer: Pubkey,
pub referrer_member: Pubkey //Optional to use on-chain analytics

pub struct ReferUser<'info>
pub authority: Signer<'info>,

#[account(init, payer = authority, space = 40)]
pub user_account: Account<'info, UserAccount>,

pub referrer: UncheckedAccount<'info>,

pub fn refer_user(ctx: Context<ReferUser>) -> Result<()>
let user_account = &mut ctx.accounts.user_account;

let referrer_key = ctx.accounts.referrer.key();

match validate_referrer(&ctx.accounts.authority, &ctx.accounts.authority, &ctx.remaining_accounts) {
Some(parsed_pubkeys) => {
user_account.referrer = parsed_pubkeys.0;
user_account.referrer_member = parsed_pubkeys.1;
_ => return Err(error!(InvalidReferral)),


Utility function to validate your referrer

pub fn validate_referrer<'info>(
payer: &AccountInfo<'info>,
authority: &AccountInfo<'info>,
remaining_accounts: &[AccountInfo<'info>],
) -> Option<Pubkey> {
Remaining accounts

Buddy link program
Buddy profile
Buddy treasury
Referrer member
Referrer treasury
Referrer treasury reward

Referrer token account

let remaining_account_length = remaining_accounts.len();
if remaining_account_length != 8 && remaining_account_length != 10 {
return None;

let buddy_link_program = remaining_accounts[0].to_account_info();

if buddy_link_program.key() != BUDDY_LINK_PROGRAM_ID {
return None;

let other_remaining_accounts = &remaining_accounts[1..];

let mut account_metas = vec![
AccountMeta::new(payer.key(), true),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(authority.key(), false),

.map(|account| AccountMeta {
pubkey: account.key(),
is_signer: account.is_signer,
is_writable: account.is_writable,

let mut account_infos = vec![


let mut instruction_data: Vec<u8> = vec![];

let instruction = Instruction {
program_id: buddy_link_program.key(),
accounts: account_metas,
data: instruction_data,

).expect("Error validating referrer");

Some(if remaining_account_length == 8 {
remaining_accounts[7].key(), //the treasury pda (if no spl, a.k.a. sol)
remaining_accounts[5].key() //the referrer member
} else {
remaining_accounts[9].key(), //the token account
remaining_accounts[5].key() //the referrer member

This how you would call it from your frontend

This is an example function of how you would get all the remaining accounts required for the validate_referrer BuddyLink CPI call

async function getRemainingAccounts(wallet: PublicKey, mint: PublicKey) {
if (!client) throw new Error("Client not set");

const buddyProfile = await client.buddy.getProfile(wallet);
if (!buddyProfile) return [];

const treasuryPDA = client.pda.getTreasuryPDA(

const member =
(await client.member.getByTreasuryOwner(treasuryPDA))[0] || null;

if (!member) return [];

const remainingAccounts =
await client.initialize.validateReferrerAccounts(

if (
remainingAccounts.memberPDA.toString() === PublicKey.default.toString()
) {
return [];

return [
pubkey: remainingAccounts.programId,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.buddyProfile,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.buddy,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.buddyTreasury,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.memberPDA,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.referrerMember,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.referrerTreasury,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.referrerTreasuryReward,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,
pubkey: remainingAccounts.referrerATA,
isWritable: false,
isSigner: false,