The client provides builders for setting up instructions to interact with the accounts.
Note: To ensure these instructions work properly, instantiate the client with the wallet that will perform the transaction. You can also use the .inject function to add the wallet to the instance.
transferRewards(memberPDA: PublicKey, amount: number, mint?: PublicKey, allowMultiLevel: boolean = true): Promise<TransactionInstruction[]>
Transfers rewards from the specified member to its referrer.
transferRewardsNoMultiLevel(receiveMemberPDA: PublicKey, amount: number, mint?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction[]>
Transfers rewards to a member without multi-level transfers.
transferRewardsSecure(memberPDA: PublicKey, receiveMemberPDA: PublicKey, amount: number, mint?: PublicKey, allowMultiLevel: boolean = true): Promise<TransactionInstruction[]>
Transfers rewards from the specified member to its referrer with additional validation.
transferRewardsWithBPS(memberPDA: PublicKey, amount: number, mint?: PublicKey, allowMultiLevel: boolean = true): Promise<TransactionInstruction[]>
Transfers rewards from the specified member to its referrer. The shares calculation is based on the total amount, for example, transferring 10% of 1 SOL instead of the total amount.
Note: referrerHash usually represents the name of the referrer but in some cases it can represent a shared treasury (denoted by $ at the end of the string) Note: In the functions below, if a mint is not provided, it will default to SOL.
createMember(organizationName: string, memberName: string, referrerHash?: string): Promise<TransactionInstruction[]>
Creates a new member in an organization. Prior to adding the createMember instruction, this function can contain multiple instructions if the required accounts have not been created yet.
Note: In rare cases, it may be necessary to split the instructions into multiple transactions.
createProfile(buddyName: string, referralHash?: string, mint?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction[]>
Creates a profile for a buddy.
createOrganization(name: string, options: OrganizationConfiguration, ambassadorName?: string): Promise<TransactionInstruction>
Creates a new organization.
createSharedTreasuryByHash(hash: string, mint?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction>
Creates a shared treasury using a hash representing the owners and shares.
createTreasuryByName(buddyName: string, mint?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction>
Creates a treasury for a buddy by name.
createTreasuryByBuddyPDA(buddyPDA: PublicKey, mint?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction>
Creates a treasury with a buddyPDA.
createSharedTreasuryByName(buddyNames: string[], shares: number[], mint?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction>
Creates a shared treasury for the specified owners.
createSharedTreasuryByPDA(buddyPDAs: PublicKey[], shares: number[], mint?: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction>
Creates a shared treasury for the specified owners.
Generates a random profile name according to the profile name standard (ie. 18 characters in length).
decryptHash(hash: string)
Decrypts a hash representing owners and shares.
encryptHash(owners: string[], shares: number[])
Encrypts owners and shares into a hash.
Generates a new NFT mint. It performs basic keypair generation to mint an NFT.
claimNFTOrganization(organizationName: string, options: OrganizationConfiguration, nftMint: PublicKey)
Claims an NFT for an organization.
claimNFTPaidBuddy(buddyProfilePDA: PublicKey, paidBuddyName: string, nftMint: PublicKey)
Claims an NFT for a paid buddy. Use this function if the paid buddy did not exist previously.
redeemPaidBuddy(buddyProfilePDA: PublicKey, paidBuddyPDA: PublicKey, nftMint: PublicKey)
Redeems an NFT for a paid buddy and unfreezes the account. Use this function if the paid buddy was minted from an existing buddy.
mintPaidBuddy(buddyProfilePDA: PublicKey, paidBuddyPDA: PublicKey, generatedMintAddress: PublicKey)
Mints an NFT for a paid buddy and freezes the account.