The models provided here offer detailed information and methods to interact with specific account types. Each model includes an account property, which contains account information, and a refresh method to update the account data by fetching the latest information from the program.
Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
pda | PublicKey | The program-derived account (PDA) public key. |
authority | PublicKey | The wallet owning the organization. |
dateCreated | BN | The date of creation in seconds. |
name | string | The name of the organization. |
mainTokenMint | PublicKey | The main spl token the organization will interact with. |
enforceWalletUniqueness | boolean | A flag indicating whether wallet uniqueness is enforced. |
allowMultiLevel | boolean | A flag indicating whether multi-level organization structure is allowed. |
Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
pda | PublicKey | The program-derived account (PDA) public key. |
authority | PublicKey | The wallet owning the ambassador. |
name | string | The name of the ambassador. |
Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
pda | PublicKey | The program-derived account (PDA) public key. |
referrer | PublicKey | The referrer's treasury public key. |
owner | PublicKey | The owner's treasury public key. |
globalReferrerOfBuddy | BuddyGlobalReferrer | The global referrer of the member. |
name | string | The name of the member. |
organization | string | The organization name associated with the member. |
referringMembers | PublicKey[] | An array of public keys representing the referring members (maximum length: 4). |
async isMemberAvailable(organizationName: string, memberName: string): Promise<boolean>
Checks if a member name already is taken under a specific organization.
async getReferrer(): Promise<Treasury | null>
Retrieves the referrer's treasury associated with the member instance.
async getOwner(): Promise<Treasury>
Retrieves the owners's treasury associated with the member instance.
async getReferringMembers(): Promise<Member[]>
Retrieves an array of members that referred the current member.
Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
pda | PublicKey | The program-derived account (PDA) public key. |
authority | PublicKey | The authority public key. |
buddyType | BuddyType | The type of the buddy. |
dateCreated | BN | The date of creation in seconds. |
isFrozen | boolean | A flag indicating whether the buddy is frozen / minted. |
referrerTreasuryPda | PublicKey | The referrer's treasury public key. |
referrerType | ReferrerType | The type of the referrer. |
name | string | The name of the buddy. |
async isBuddyAvailable(name: string): Promise<boolean>
Checks if a buddy with the specified name exists.
async buyGlobalBuddy(buddyName: string): Promise<void>
Allows the current buddy to purchase a global buddy.
Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
pda | PublicKey | The program-derived account (PDA) public key. |
amountNoMultiLevel | BN | The amount without multi-level shares. |
totalBps | number | BPS amount of multi-level |
mint | PublicKey | The mint public key. |
owners | TreasuryOwner[] | An array of owners with their respective shares. |
async getOwners(): Promise<Buddy[]>
Retrieves an array of buddies who own shares in the treasury.
async getClaimableBalance(buddyPDA?: PublicKey): Promise<number>
Calculates the claimable balance for the treasury. (Removes rent (for SOL), multi-level take and buddylink fee).
async claim(buddyPDA?: PublicKey, isMultiLevel: boolean = true): Promise<void>
Allows a buddy to claim their share from the treasury.
async transferUp(buddyPDA: PublicKey, treasuryPDA: PublicKey): Promise<void>
Permission-less instruction allowing to move the referrer's cut and buddylink fee up a level.